One Stop Systems
伺服器 OSS-EOS-2U-4i
EOS-2U-4i 載有2顆Intel Xeon Ice Lake處理器,提供對於強大儲存及PCIE擴充的最大BIOS相容度。這個優勢將把極度整合的伺服器帶到可以平行擴展、機架方式、可擴充的優質方案。
擁有6支PCIe Gen 4 x16及1支PCIe 4.0 x8的半高擴充槽,它還提供了可選購的24個U.3磁碟機熱插拔插槽。本系列伺服器,包括了單CPU及雙CPU AMD EPYC™ 7003系列的處理器,為GPU或FPGA加速運算的應用,提供GP-GPU及加速的多功能伺服器。 |
伺服器 OSS-SDS-3U-4A
OSS Gen 4 PCIe SDS-3U-4a 這個系列的伺服器,包括了單CPU及雙CPU AMD EPYC™ 7003系列的處理器,為GPU或FPGA加速運算的應用,提供多功能的伺服器。
強固型 AI 伺服器 OSS-ERX-R100
OSS 稱它為稜邊超級電腦,攜帶著NVIDIA HGX A100 SXM GPU的強固型伺服器。
擁有4 HGX A100 GPU創造出156Tera FLOPS的FP64 HPC效能。一個最新AMD 第3代EPYC™ 系列處理器,和4支PCIe Gen 4 x16的擴充槽,避開頻寬瓶頸。現在運算中心終於可以買到強固型的超級電腦,用於航空、海上、和陸地的崎嶇惡環境。 |
High Density Compute Accelerator
OSS (One Stop Systems) 在提高HPC (高速電腦運算) 的伺服器效能之外接式系統方面,是市場領導者。它降低了成本,並對資料中心的基礎結構產生了衝擊。
One Stop Systems - GPU 相關
GPU 應用伺服器
GPU 運算加速器
GPU應用伺服器,高密度、完全整合的叢集電腦,專為HPC應用所設計製造。 而 GPUltima和DGX-1提供不同等級的密度和能量,來滿足各範圍的客戶需求。它可以達到數千個運算核心及數百Tflops的計算效能。 下列是兩款深度學習應用伺服器
GPUltima是一套Petaflop級的運算叢集。這套機架式伺服器攜有高達8個節點,每節點帶了高達16個加速器和一或兩個雙CPU伺服器。客戶可以根據應用的需要,在整個機架中逐一建立多個節點。多個節點憑加速器安裝的數量,而能夠提供不同的性能能力。 所有的Nvidia加速器,利用GPU直接RDMA,經由100Gb的Infiniband來傳輸交換資料。所有GPU經由高達4個128Gb PCIE,連接到一個根複合體。根複合體是經由Infiniband和彼此,連接到GPU,及經由Ethernet連接到外面的世界。 GPUltima是一套集Petaflop於一櫃的網路型GPU叢集。和其他的Petaflop運算方案相比,GPUltima擁有達10倍的核心、省電90%、省空間95%。OSS的GPUltima能夠依照客戶需要,提供不同的功能子集。 # 比較基礎: 於HPC500所列依傳統1個Petaflop叢集的資料 |
The revolutionary NVIDIA Pascal™ architecture is purpose-built to be the engine of computers that learn, see, and simulate our world—a world with an infinite appetite for computing. From silicon to software, Pascal is crafted with innovation at every level.
Pascal is the first architecture to integrate the revolutionary NVIDIA NVLink™ high-speed bidirectional interconnect. This technology is designed to scale applications across multiple GPUs, delivering a 5X acceleration in interconnect bandwidth compared to today's best-in-class solution.
See more at: http://www.nvidia.com/object/gpu-architecture.html ;
Pascal is the first architecture to integrate the revolutionary NVIDIA NVLink™ high-speed bidirectional interconnect. This technology is designed to scale applications across multiple GPUs, delivering a 5X acceleration in interconnect bandwidth compared to today's best-in-class solution.
See more at: http://www.nvidia.com/object/gpu-architecture.html ;
運算加速器以1U、2U、3U、4U提供更多運算核心。OSS運算加速器已通過驗證,和IBM Power8 S822L和S824L伺服器操作多個NVIDIA Tesla GPU |
OSS 運算加速器 Compute Accelerator
OSS GPU 產品表 |
Nvidia Tesla |
Intel Xeon Phi |
AMD FirePro |
Nallatech FPGA |
Nvidia M6000 |
Nvidia GTX1080 |
1U |
V |
V |
V |
Value |
V |
V |
2U |
V |
V |
V |
Value |
V |
V |
3U |
V |
V |
V |
V |
V |
Value |
4U |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
V |
One Stop Systems 主機,可搭配多款的
GPU和Coprocessor 輔助處理器 NVIDIA Tesla GPU 為您的HPC、Hyperscale、企業資料中心的負載,提供最好的NVIDIA Tesla GPU加速器。科學家現在可以用10倍於CPU的速度,緊縮高達數個Petabyte、用於能源解析或深度學習的資料。Tesla也幫助了企業VDI和大型模擬應用。 AMD FirePro S9170 它的Hawaii XLGT44 CPU,擁有44個計算單元、320GB/s記憶體頻寬、512-bit記憶體介面,卻只需要275W電力。 Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor 提供了高達61核心、244執行緒、1.2Teraflops的性能。可針對不同的硬體、軟體、負載、效能、效益,來進行個別設置。 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 這張由Pascal強化了的繪圖卡,帶來比前一代高達3倍的效能。新的GTX 1080是精心製作、提供超強散熱能力,冷酷地執行工作,為您的HPC和超大運算負載,提供加速。 |
One Stop Systems 將這些超強的GPU和Coprocessor輔助處理器,分別安裝在OSS HPC高速電腦中,提供數百至數千個運算核心。 |
AI on the Fly - STORAGE
Flash Storage Array -
使用NAND flash,增加數百TB容量,並帶來百萬IOPS的效能。這套理想的系統,適合高速資料記錄和處理。它是高效能運算市場上最快速、富有彈性、強而有力的完整儲存方案。
使用NAND flash,增加數百TB容量,並帶來百萬IOPS的效能。這套理想的系統,適合高速資料記錄和處理。它是高效能運算市場上最快速、富有彈性、強而有力的完整儲存方案。
Flash Storage Array 快閃儲存陣列
1U Flash Storage Array:
預載入4片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
2U Flash Storage Array:
預載入8片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
2x0U Flash Storage Array:
提供高達212TB高速Flash快閃儲存,並可以連接高達3台伺服器。這是為了切合開放運算專案 (Open Compute Project) 的規格。
3U Flash Storage Array:
預載入32片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
4U Flash Storage Array:
預載入32片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
4U Flash Storage Array 測試系統:
1U Flash Storage Array:
預載入4片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
2U Flash Storage Array:
預載入8片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
2x0U Flash Storage Array:
提供高達212TB高速Flash快閃儲存,並可以連接高達3台伺服器。這是為了切合開放運算專案 (Open Compute Project) 的規格。
3U Flash Storage Array:
預載入32片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
4U Flash Storage Array:
預載入32片Fusion-IO ioScale PCIE 快閃記憶卡板,以PCIE Gen3 x16連接到伺服器。
4U Flash Storage Array 測試系統:
Flash 應用伺服器
Flash 磁碟陣列
Flash 記憶體
提供可高達200T高密度PCIE NVMe flash和支援高達8百萬個IOPS、80GB/s吞吐的效能。它是高效能運算市場上最快速、富有彈性、強而有力的完整儲存系統方案。
OSS網路Flash Storage Appliance把應用所需的軟體和環境所需的硬體,做了最佳化結合。 |
多合一 Flash 網路附接儲存伺服器
2U Flash Storage Network Appliance
可使用13TB容量、和超過60萬IOPS的效能 (4KB隨機寫入 )。
可使用13TB容量、和超過60萬IOPS的效能 (4KB隨機寫入 )。
4U Flash Storage Network Appliance
FSAn-4 商用版和FSAn-4R軍規版,皆為多合一快閃儲存應用伺服器,
能夠供應200TB的PCIE NVMe高速可用容量。
FSAn-4 商用版和FSAn-4R軍規版,皆為多合一快閃儲存應用伺服器,
能夠供應200TB的PCIE NVMe高速可用容量。
Flash Memory - 快閃記憶體
加入了大量如閃電般快速的儲存,到伺服器和擴充系統中。使用了由Fusion-IO以及OSS公司提供的超強力快閃記憶體。 One Stop Systems能夠提供最好的快閃記憶體,預載於OSS HPC應用系統。這些快閃記憶卡能提供數百TB的Flash Memory容量。 |
Fusion-IO :
OSS PCIE Flash記憶卡,包括了一個x4 PCIE配接卡,和一個512GB M.2 PCIE SSD。這張PCIE快閃記憶卡可以取代任何硬碟,提供較低的耗電和防震動的SSD。它可以被用做為帶有OS以及BIOS支援的應用的一顆開機磁碟。
OSS PCIE Flash記憶卡,包括了一個x4 PCIE配接卡,和一個512GB M.2 PCIE SSD。這張PCIE快閃記憶卡可以取代任何硬碟,提供較低的耗電和防震動的SSD。它可以被用做為帶有OS以及BIOS支援的應用的一顆開機磁碟。
Thunderbolt™ Expansion
將PCIe 卡,加到具有Thunderbolt 或 Thunderbolt 3的電腦系統上
Thunderbolt™ 轉PCIe 擴充箱,為具有Thunderbolt™ 介面的專業人士,啟動了在任何的工作環境中,可以使用高速的 PCIe卡,來達到高效能。
Magma Thunderbolt™ 3轉PCIe擴充箱,提供簡易、強固的轉換路徑,支援新一代 "主機外部" 的高速連接能力,為使用Apple以及Windows系統的專業人士,保護了PCIE週邊設備的投資。
Optical Thunderbolt Cable
Thunderbolt 3 optic cable
設備連接性的未來,將流經康寧 (Corning) 製造的光纖纜線
PCIe Gen 3 Expansion
特別推薦 FSAe-3, EB3400
發揮PCIE強大的擴展能力 |
PCIe 擴充箱及套件
Cube3 |
桌上型 PCIe 擴充方案
OSS桌上型擴充箱 Cube3,把I/O的功能,加入到你的工作站。 桌上型擴充箱,加入了不可思議的運算能力,或快閃儲存容量,到您的膝上型電腦或工作站等。這些擴充箱,已預載入了快閃儲存、GPU、Coprocessor的任意組合。 這項Cube系列的擴充箱,也提供客製化,內置所需要的PCIE卡。 最高共8個PCIE x8單寬槽位,包括: PCIe 3.0 x16卡、高效率電源、1米纜線。 |
Outside the Box - PCIe 擴充方案
PCIe Expansion Systems 為任何電腦系統的外部,提供了高效能和低延遲的PCIe解決方案。這包括了膝上型電腦、工作站、伺服器、或刀鋒式資料中心。
產品 |
ExpressBOX 7. |
ExpressBOX 7 - RAS |
- |
規格 |
7支PCIE擴充系統 |
7支PCIE擴充系統,附SNMP及容錯式電源 |
- |
產品 |
ExpressBOX 16 Basic |
ExpressBOX 16 Smart |
ExpressBOX 4 (1U) |
規格 |
16支PCIE槽的擴充系統 |
多主機16支PCIE槽的擴充系統 |
為工業級環境研製的強力而且具擴充性的擴展方案 |
產品 |
ExpressBOX 2200 |
ExpressBOX 2200-S8 |
ExpressBOX 2400 |
規格 |
3支 Gen2 PCIE擴充系統 |
3支 Gen2 PCIE擴充系統,附磁碟槽 |
7支 Gen2 模組式PCIE擴充系統 |
產品. |
ExpressBOX 3200 |
ExpressBOX 3200-S8 |
ExpressBOX 3400 |
ExpressBOX 3400 + NVMe. |
規格 |
3支Gen3 PCIE擴充系統 |
3支Gen3 PCIE擴充系統,附磁碟槽 |
7支Gen3 模組式PCIE擴充系統. |
7支 Gen3 PCIE擴充系統.,附8TB NVMe PCIE磁碟 |
產品 |
ExpressBOX 3450 |
ExpressBOX 3600 |
ExpressBOX 3600-AB |
ExpressBOX 3600-P |
規格 |
HPC 5支Gen3 模組式PCIE擴充系統 |
多GPUGen3 PCIE擴充系統 |
多GPUGen3 PCIE擴充系統,附雙主機管理能力 |
多GPUGen3 PCIE擴充系統,附分區的4主機背板 |
One Stop System 合併了Magma,提昇對客戶的方案和服務
One Stop Systems Announces Merger with Magma
Posted on: July 16, 2016
Filed under: Big data, GPU, High Performance Computing, Media and Entertainment, Oil and Gas, PCIe, Press release, Studio, Thunderbolt Expansion
Escondido, California – July 15, 2016 – One Stop Systems, Inc. (OSS) today announced that it has completed a merger with Mission Technology Group, Inc. (dba Magma), with OSS as the surviving entity. Both companies are market leaders in PCIe expansion technology used to create high-end compute accelerators and flash storage arrays. Together they become a dominant technology leader of PCIe expansion appliances.
“The merger of Magma with One Stop Systems brings together two creative forces that increases our market breadth and creates a greater diversity of products to better meet our customers’ needs,” said Steve Cooper, OSS CEO. “Magma has a long history of developing and producing expansion products for commercial and military applications. One Stop Systems leads the market in latest technology expansion products for high performance computing applications. Together, we now dominate both markets. Customers who have used one company’s products can now take advantage of a wider selection.”
Both companies will continue to operate as separate business units with a strong exchange of talent and expertise. The united companies will realize the benefits and cost savings of combined sales, marketing, accounting, and human resources departments, as well as other areas where there are synergies. Steve Cooper will continue as CEO and President of the combined company while Randy Jones, previously CEO of Magma, will become a major stockholder in One Stop Systems, will serve as a board member and also be appointed Vice Chairman of the OSS Board of Directors. Tim Miller will continue as President of the Magma business unit.
Randy Jones stated, “Performance, economics, and efficiency are key factors within any industry, and both OSS and Magma see these as fundamental necessities in research, product development and serving our national and international customer base, at the highest level. As such, the merger between OSS and Magma, with similar business cultures, will be tremendously beneficial in growing our industry position worldwide. With the complementary increase in product lines through this merger, our collective client base will avail itself of even more cutting-edge possibilities.” Mr. Jones continued, “I look forward to working with Steve Cooper, whom I have known for a number of years. I have great respect for him and his team. Helping develop the strategic growth plan with Steve and the Board is an exciting opportunity for everyone associated with this transaction.”
About One Stop Systems
One Stop Systems designs and manufacturers supercomputers for high performance computing (HPC) applications such as deep learning, oil and gas exploration, financial trading, defense and any other applications that require the fastest and most efficient data processing. By utilizing the power of the latest GPU accelerators and flash storage cards, our systems stay on the cutting edge of the latest technologies. Our equipment also costs less than other solutions and we occupy much less rack space in the data center. We have a reputation as innovators using the very latest technology and design equipment to operate with the highest efficiency.
About Magma
Magma develops and manufactures PCI, PCI Express and Thunderbolt expansion systems for servers, desktops and portable platforms. Magma’s patented expansion products extend signals outside the computer over cable to a chassis containing multiple card slots. Magma’s product line includes enclosed and non-enclosed solutions ranging from low-end, single-lot expansion products to fault-tolerant, highly reliable, available and serviceable (RAS) chassis specifically designed for mission critical environments. For more information, visit www.magma.com.
Media Contact
Katie Garrison
[email protected]
One Stop Systems, Inc.
(760) 745-9883
Read more at http://magma.com/news/one-stop-systems-announces-merger-with-magma/#O4Rpjz74M3DX7lHD.99
Filed under: Big data, GPU, High Performance Computing, Media and Entertainment, Oil and Gas, PCIe, Press release, Studio, Thunderbolt Expansion
Escondido, California – July 15, 2016 – One Stop Systems, Inc. (OSS) today announced that it has completed a merger with Mission Technology Group, Inc. (dba Magma), with OSS as the surviving entity. Both companies are market leaders in PCIe expansion technology used to create high-end compute accelerators and flash storage arrays. Together they become a dominant technology leader of PCIe expansion appliances.
“The merger of Magma with One Stop Systems brings together two creative forces that increases our market breadth and creates a greater diversity of products to better meet our customers’ needs,” said Steve Cooper, OSS CEO. “Magma has a long history of developing and producing expansion products for commercial and military applications. One Stop Systems leads the market in latest technology expansion products for high performance computing applications. Together, we now dominate both markets. Customers who have used one company’s products can now take advantage of a wider selection.”
Both companies will continue to operate as separate business units with a strong exchange of talent and expertise. The united companies will realize the benefits and cost savings of combined sales, marketing, accounting, and human resources departments, as well as other areas where there are synergies. Steve Cooper will continue as CEO and President of the combined company while Randy Jones, previously CEO of Magma, will become a major stockholder in One Stop Systems, will serve as a board member and also be appointed Vice Chairman of the OSS Board of Directors. Tim Miller will continue as President of the Magma business unit.
Randy Jones stated, “Performance, economics, and efficiency are key factors within any industry, and both OSS and Magma see these as fundamental necessities in research, product development and serving our national and international customer base, at the highest level. As such, the merger between OSS and Magma, with similar business cultures, will be tremendously beneficial in growing our industry position worldwide. With the complementary increase in product lines through this merger, our collective client base will avail itself of even more cutting-edge possibilities.” Mr. Jones continued, “I look forward to working with Steve Cooper, whom I have known for a number of years. I have great respect for him and his team. Helping develop the strategic growth plan with Steve and the Board is an exciting opportunity for everyone associated with this transaction.”
About One Stop Systems
One Stop Systems designs and manufacturers supercomputers for high performance computing (HPC) applications such as deep learning, oil and gas exploration, financial trading, defense and any other applications that require the fastest and most efficient data processing. By utilizing the power of the latest GPU accelerators and flash storage cards, our systems stay on the cutting edge of the latest technologies. Our equipment also costs less than other solutions and we occupy much less rack space in the data center. We have a reputation as innovators using the very latest technology and design equipment to operate with the highest efficiency.
About Magma
Magma develops and manufactures PCI, PCI Express and Thunderbolt expansion systems for servers, desktops and portable platforms. Magma’s patented expansion products extend signals outside the computer over cable to a chassis containing multiple card slots. Magma’s product line includes enclosed and non-enclosed solutions ranging from low-end, single-lot expansion products to fault-tolerant, highly reliable, available and serviceable (RAS) chassis specifically designed for mission critical environments. For more information, visit www.magma.com.
Media Contact
Katie Garrison
[email protected]
One Stop Systems, Inc.
(760) 745-9883
Read more at http://magma.com/news/one-stop-systems-announces-merger-with-magma/#O4Rpjz74M3DX7lHD.99